Innovation is in our DNA

As a subsidiary of Charité and Vivantes, we have a special role in the market – not least due to our close links with the clinics as well as science and research. The special spirit that prevails in these areas is clearly noticeable. We also live this as a company – with the aim of trying out new things, being pioneers and always looking for improvements for our senders, patients and for us at Labor Berlin.


Promotion of innovation

As a provider of cutting-edge diagnostic medicine for Charité and Vivantes as well as external senders, Labor Berlin invests in innovations in order to maintain its presence on the market as a quality provider and innovation leader. The transfer of new diagnostic procedures from basic research into market-ready diagnostics is of great importance for the continuous further development of Labor Berlin and the goal of internal innovation promotion.

Funded projects involve the targeted development of e.g. tests and procedures for routine use by Labor Berlin. As a commercially oriented company, Labor Berlin supports projects with a clear intention to create added value.

Every Labor Berlin employee can submit a well-founded application for innovation funding. The independent Innovation Advisory Board meets once a year, at which each applicant presents their project. The Innovation Advisory Board evaluates and prioritizes the applications together with the management of Labor Berlin.

Labor Berlin has been promoting innovation since 2012. During this time, 25 projects have already been implemented. The Innovation Advisory Board is made up of experts from the healthcare sector.

Berlin Laboratory honored for innovative strength

Labor Berlin was the only laboratory to once again place among the top 20 in WirtschaftsWoche’s ranking of Germany’s most innovative SMEs.

Since 2011, WirtschaftsWoche has published this classification, which analyzes the innovative strength of 4,000 medium-sized companies.

You can find more information on this topic here.


Since 26 November 2021, Labor Berlin has been one of the TOP 3 most innovative companies in the German SME sector. For the fourth time in a row, Labor Berlin is one of the top innovators in Germany and has now achieved an outstanding 3rd place among hundreds of participants in 2021. In the scientific selection process, Labor Berlin particularly impressed in the “Innovation Success” category.

Award 2020
Press release 2021

Innovation Advisory Board

The Innovation Advisory Board advises the Management Board on the establishment of new fields of activity and diagnostics, discusses current and future projects and develops strategies together with the Management Board.

Prof. Dr. Frank Heppner

Director of Neuropathology, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Prof. Dr. Martin Hirsch

Phillips University Marburg / Ada Health

Dr. Peter Kaspar

Member of the Board of Directors, BioMérieux S.A., ret.

Dr. Valerie Kirchberger

Managing Director HRTBT Medical Solutions GmbH

Prof. Dr. Heyo K. Kroemer

Chairman of the Board, Charité

Dr. Thomas Schinecker

CEO, Roche Group

Prof. Dr. Christian Scholz

Head Physician for Internal Medicine Haematology and Oncology, Vivantes

Enno Spillner

CFO, Formycon AG

Dr. Katharina Wodarz

Partner, Raue Attorneys at Law

Prof. Dr. med. Eicke Latz

Scientific Director, German Rheumatism Research Centre Berlin

Dr. Chris Rehse

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, neotiv GmbH

Innovation projects

We not only want to identify important trends at an early stage, but also actively help shape them, for example with regard to the question of what digitalization means and how it can be used in a meaningful way.
We are working on many exciting projects that go far beyond the traditional field of laboratory medicine.

Emergency sample transportation via drones

Our Studies and Collaborations team recently worked on a solution for transporting laboratory samples using drones.
The transportation of emergency samples via drones will start in 2021.

TB-Flow Assay

On the basis of the established departmental structure, interdisciplinary working groups and research teams have increasingly been formed in recent years, which conduct research on individual issues in addition to routine and specialized surgical diagnostics. One example of this is the T-cell-based diagnosis of tuberculosis, which the research team led by Dr. Christian Meisel has established in collaboration with the research group of Prof. Alexander Scheffold from the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology at Charité. The project was funded as part of Labor Berlin’s innovation management program.

“Tuberculosis counts – even if it does not
in Germany – worldwide still
is one of the leading infectious diseases.
With the method we have developed
a tuberculosis disease more quickly
recognize, treat earlier and thus
curb further spread.”
Dr. Christian Meisel