The Department of Autoimmune Diagnostics emerged from several individual laboratories at Charité and Vivantes.

Autoimmune diagnostics services today include

  • the entire laboratory diagnostics of patients with autoimmune diseases using state-of-the-art laboratory and immunodiagnostics,
  • the support of publicly funded third-party projects and
  • participation in industry-sponsored and investigator-initiated studies.


Prof. Dr. Gerhard Krönke
© Charité | Artur Krutsch

Director Autoimmune Diagnostics

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Dr. Ivana Büttnerova

Head of Autoimmune Diagnostics

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Diana Mielke

Leitende MTLA Autoimmundiagnostik

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Labor Berlin – Charité Vivantes GmbH

Department of Autoimmune Diagnostics
Sylter Straße 2
13353 Berlin

phone: +49 (30) 40 50 26-800
fax: +49 (30) 40 50 26-615

Requisition slips

Services for private patients, self-paying patients or elective laboratory services will be invoiced by LABOR BERLIN directly to the respective payer, unless otherwise agreed with the sender. For this purpose, the sender shall forward the necessary patient data to LABOR BERLIN and ensure that the patients are informed about the possible forwarding of laboratory orders to LABOR BERLIN and the associated organizational measures, including billing by a private medical clearing office, in the manner prescribed by law and consent to this. The legal requirements with regard to the free choice of doctor are taken into account. We would like to point out that, in accordance with the provisions of the German Hospital Remuneration Act (KHEntgG), external elective laboratory services must be ordered by the sender on a case-by-case basis and specifically by the elective physicians concerned.

  • Requisition slip for autoimmune diagnostics
