
Press releases
Labor Berlin among the top 3 most innovative companies in the German SME sector
26.11.2021 | Competition mentor Ranga Yogeshwar congratulates Labor Berlin, Europe’s largest hospital laboratory, on its outstanding success in the TOP 100 innovation competition. For the fourth time in a row, Labor Berlin is one of Germany’s top innovators and has now achieved an outstanding third place among hundreds of participants in 2021. In the scientific selection process, Labor Berlin was particularly impressive in the “Innovation Success” category.
Co-creation in everyday laboratory work: Joint further development of an automation solution for high-throughput laboratories
22.11.2021 | Many activities in the laboratory are still carried out manually. What challenges does this pose and what if the laboratory wants to automate a manual process? What skills are needed here? And how do you bring the parties involved together? Co-creation can be the solution here. The focus is on the joint development of a product. A Labor Berlin project with the diagnostics manufacturer Roche and the laboratory and medical technology provider SARSTEDT shows what this can look like in practice.
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Labor Berlin Managing Director Nina Beikert among Germany’s top 40 under 40
19.11.2021 | The business magazine Capital has been selecting Germany’s “Young Elite” every year for 14 years in the categories Company, Politics, Management and Society. Nina Beikert, Managing Director of Labor Berlin, was selected from hundreds of candidates and is one of the “Top 40 under 40” of 2021 in the coveted Management category. Prof. Dr. Heyo K. Kroemer, Chairman of the Executive Board of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin: “Nina Beikert is a manager who stays on course even in a crisis.”
“TVöD for all” demanded at Labor Berlin
21.06.2021 | Existence of Europe’s largest hospital laboratory at risk – The trade union ver.di demands the introduction of the collective agreement for the public sector (TVöD) at Labor Berlin and the commencement of collective bargaining. This would put hundreds of highly qualified, well-paid jobs in the healthcare sector at massive risk.
Digitalization for diagnostics
14.06.2021 | Labor Berlin and S4DX digitize the sample history of more than 50,000 human samples in pre-analytics.
Additional testing of positive corona samples for mutations
20.01.2021 | Labor Berlin additionally tests samples with positive SARS-CoV-2 detection for the English and South African virus variants for Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Vivantes – Netzwerk für Gesundheit.
10 years Labor Berlin01.01.2021 | Labor Berlin, Europe’s largest hospital laboratory, celebrates its anniversary and looks back on 10 successful years of cutting-edge diagnostic medicine.
Transportation of laboratory samples via drones
17.11.2020 | In medicine, time is often of the essence: the use of drones is intended to reduce Transport time for particularly time-critical samples between individual clinic locations and the central laboratory of Labor Berlin.
Labor Berlin is Top Innovator 2020
19.06.2020 | As of today, Labor Berlin is officially one of the TOP 100 most innovative German SMEs for the third time in a row.