The Department of Forensic Genetics deals with the DNA analysis of biological materials in order to provide evidence in legal disputes.

For this purpose, a large number of particularly variable, non-coding areas of the DNA are examined. Clients for forensic genetic investigations are law enforcement agencies, criminal courts, civil courts and – in the area of parentage investigations – also private individuals. Clinics and medical institutes can also be clients, for example to identify cell lines or to clarify possible cases of confusion, for example in pathology.

Further information can be found here:

to the Forensic Genetics at the Institute of Forensic Medicine at Charité
to the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the Charité

Range of services



Laboratory Manager Forensic Genetics

Send e-mail
Dr. rer. nat. Jessica Rothe

Deput. Laboratory Manager Forensic Genetics

Send e-mail
Brigitte Schröder-Napierala

MTLA Forensic Genetics Secretariat

Send e-mail
Petra Otremba

MTLA Forensic Genetics

Sophie Voit

Research Assistant Forensic Genetics


Labor Berlin – Charité Vivantes GmbH

Department of Forensic Genetics
Forum 4, Westring 3
Augustenburger Platz 1
13353 Berlin

phone: +49 (30) 40 50 26-800
fax: +49 (30) 40 50 26-615